Is Poverty Increasing or Decreasing?

According to an Angus Reid survey, “Canadians generally think the number of people living in poverty in their communities is increasing.” More than 50% indicated they see poverty being on the rise, compared to 9% who think it is decreasing. That’s the perspective of ALL Canadians surveyed, not just those living below the Low IncomeContinueContinue reading “Is Poverty Increasing or Decreasing?”

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Let’s Take a Break from Doing Good

Preface Earlier this June I had the delightful experience of being a part of a workshop at Tamarack’s Deepening Community gathering in Edmonton. The workshop was with Al Etmanski and Vickie Cammack. Al called our session a “beauty jam” and both Al and Vicki wanted an “artist” to be a part of the jam. IContinueContinue reading “Let’s Take a Break from Doing Good”

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