
Is Poverty Increasing or Decreasing?

According to an Angus Reid survey, "Canadians generally think the number of people living in poverty in their communities is increasing." More than 50% indicated they see poverty being on the rise, compared to 9% who think it is decreasing. That's the perspective of ALL Canadians surveyed, not just those living below the Low IncomeContinue reading "Is Poverty Increasing or Decreasing?"


What if most our heroes were wrong?

I was young and living poor in Uptown Chicago. I was an on and off again college student. It took me seven years, maybe eight, to get my degree in Communications. I'd attend a term then hitch hike to California with my good friend, Karl. We both had hair to the middle of our backsContinue reading "What if most our heroes were wrong?"


Why are we here?

Such a simple question, four small words that get at the core of our community change work. It's not a question confined to a step in a visioning or planning process. It's place is within us, no matter where we are going or if we are standing still. It's not just a question about purposeContinue reading "Why are we here?"


Disruptive Innovation: a Type of Upside Down Thinking

Upside Down Thinking has a relationship with Disruptive Thinking and Disruptive Innovation, but they are not merely different descriptors of the same thing. You can read a previous posting I did a while back on Upside Down Thinking; this posting is about Disruptive Innovation. Disruptive Innovation has its roots in the private sector. The conceptContinue reading "Disruptive Innovation: a Type of Upside Down Thinking"

Where does who you are reside?

Who are you? How could I ever know? So the question turns to, “Who am I?” Am I contained within my body? Or does my identity exist across fields of experience or as an ever-changing pattern that defies being known? Perhaps there is a moment in each of our lives when we recognize our consciousnessContinue reading "Where does who you are reside?"

Reflecting on a Creative Life

Visit my music page. My musical life seems so long ago now. I guess because it is. In the early 1990s I won a song writing contest which allowed me to play a featured stage and two workshops at the Edmonton Folk Music Festival. That honor led to other performances on CBC radio, on aContinue reading "Reflecting on a Creative Life"

Collaborating to Understand Collaboration; A New Tool

I imagine the majority of us value collaboration. We believe that doing it increases impact, fosters innovation, and is especially called for when it comes to effecting large-scale systemic change (or transformational change). Many say collaboration is more efficient than disconnected social change or social service efforts. The expectations of many funders are that grantContinue reading "Collaborating to Understand Collaboration; A New Tool"

About Collective Impact: Types of Problems, Degrees of Change, Learning Loops, and Methods of Thinking

Collective Impact is multi-sector approach to large-scale collaboration that is authentically inclusive of citizens in its development and implementation - in particular citizens who have life-experience with the big problems or issues being addressed, such as poverty, climate change, family violence, and so many more. Collective Impact is not an approach aimed at creating programContinue reading "About Collective Impact: Types of Problems, Degrees of Change, Learning Loops, and Methods of Thinking"